Pairing Wine with Snacks

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Keep calm, socially distance and have some wine. Rather than a recipe this month, here’s a quick list of wine and snack pairings, and some traditional pairings, since we are spending a lot more time at home and inside.

• Popcorn and Chardonnay

• Pizza and Pinot Gris/Grigio

• Animal Crackers and Riesling

• PB&J Sandwich and Crisp White

• Corn Chips and Cabernet Sauvignon

Traditional wine pairings

Dry Riesling: seafood, white sauce pasta, turkey, mac and cheese

Semidry Riesling: barbecue, burgers, poultry, salads, pizza

Cabernet Franc: red meats, hearty pasta

Pinot Noir: salmon, meat lovers pizza, turkey

Rosé: grilled chicken, shellfish

Information for this article was sourced from Chateau Grand Traverse and Flip Flop Wines

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