Clara Dueweke’s Pizza Rolls


The following recipe was provided by Cortney Casey of Michigan By The Bottle Tasting Rooms. It was her grandmother’s — and a family favorite for  holiday gatherings.

Clara Dueweke’s Pizza Rolls
Thaw out 1 loaf of frozen bread dough.

Spread on 11-by-17-inch cookie sheet sprayed with Pam. Let it rise 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Then on dough: Sprinkle salt and garlic salt. Sprinkle pepperoni (30 slices cut into little pieces). Cover pepperoni with mozzarella cheese.

Roll like a jelly roll.

Cut into slices (30 or so).

Place on another cookie sheet sprayed with Pam.

Put salt and garlic salt on each. (It’s the garlic salt that makes them so good.)

Squirt a little oil on each.

Bake at 375 F for about 15 minutes. Remove and put on cookie sheet with towel to absorb oil.

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