Bethel Robinette’s Homemade Peach Ice Cream


7 ripe peaches

1 cup sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon almond extract

1 pint whipping cream, whipped

Peel, slice and chop peaches until fine. Mix all ingredients except cream. Fold all into the whipped cream. Put in freezer, cover,and stir occasionally during freezing time. Peaches will settle to the bottom so you should stir maybe 3 times during freezing process. Remove from freezer about 20-30 minutes before serving. This recipe was handed down to Bethel from her Aunt Mary Bethel in Kentucky, who is now deceased. Robinette’s likes to pair this ice cream with its Robin White semidry wine.

—Robinette’s Apple Haus & Winery, Grand Rapids

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