Igloos (With Restrictions), Tents With One Wall Are In for Outdoor Service at Michigan Wineries

Photo courtesy of Fenn Valley Vineyards

The state of Michigan has released guidance clarifying the options that Michigan wineries, like restaurants and bars, have for outdoor structures to provide service during the three-week “Pause to Save Lives” that took effect Nov. 18 to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Igloos are ok if limited to no more than six members of the same household. Tents can only have one side.

The key information for wineries is contained in these paragraphs:

Q: What does “indoors” mean for the purposes of this order?

A: “Indoors” means within a space enclosed fully or partially on the top, and enclosed fully or partially on more than one side. Indoor spaces therefore include most buildings (such as barns and garages), vehicles (such as buses and trains), and temporary structures (including tents or canopies with side walls or coverings, unless open on three sides).

Q: What forms of dining at food service establishments are permitted under the order?

Outdoor dining at a food service establishment is permitted provided persons are seated no more than 6 to a table and tables are spaced at least 6 feet apart. A permitted outdoor food service establishment setting also includes a single household dining inside an igloo, hut, or other small, enclosed space, provided that employees enter fleetingly or not at all. Representatives of food service establishments wishing to explore options like these should ensure compliance with any applicable local regulations. 

A complete list of answers to frequently asked questions about the order, which runs through Dec. 8, can be found here.

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